Projector PSA - Businesssoftwarecom

- 17.05

Projector PSA, Inc. is a developer of cloud-based professional services automation (PSA) software.


Projector PSA was started in 2002 by a group of employees at . Their self-developed application used to manage became the prototype for Projector PSA's main software offering, Projector. In 2003 Projector PSA, Inc. was formed and in mid-2004 they released the first version of Projector.

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Projector is a business application that is intended to be used by project based organizations. Projector is considered Professional Services Automation, or PSA software. Projector is designed to help companies with project management, resource scheduling, and project accounting.

Projector is a cloud-based application that allows users to access the application anywhere they have an internet connection. Projector has two main interfaces, one called the Employee Portal and a second called the Management Portal. The Employee Portal is a browser based application that has functionality for time entry, expense entry, document management, issue tracking, and viewing schedules. The Management Portal uses Window's Smart-Client technology and is where users go to manage projects, schedule resources, run reports, create invoices, and administer the application.

Projector has a mobile web application for time and expense entry that can be accessed on most smartphones.

Projector's software is sold using the Software-as-a-Service or SaaS licensing model, and is being used by more than 19,000 users across 180 companies worldwide.

Awards & recognition

  • Included in the Talking Cloud 2012 Top 100 Cloud Service Providers
  • Included in the Top 10 PSA Software Vendors by
  • PSA with the highest level of customer satisfaction in the 2012 SPI Research Professional Services Benchmark Report

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